

Written by Harry Croose

"Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous."

The Beauty of the Mirror

On our journies, we have faced much in the path of the promises given to us and the desires and goals we wish to reach. But has any of you considered to stop for a moment and reflect on things?

I admit I struggle sometimes with this, and I forget to at times, but it is of a great benefit that we do this and give times to ourselves to just think and do nothing else. Staring into your mirror of in your reflection upon the local river you walk by every day.

But for those of you who don’t quite know the importance of self-reflection or in particular those who haven’t heard that phrase since the end of term History Exam that you forgot to revise for and frantically tried to revise before in registration.

No, just me okay, well Self-Reflection to me is the ability to look back on things you have done in the past and looking at thing form a perspective of learning, understanding and openness, so you are able to gain some insight into how you can improve the let go or even let go of the past if the memory is haunting you. This skill can be one of healing as well as one of knowledge to change one’s future. If one uses this skill to its full capacity it will feel like magic.

I have self-reflected at many times in my life, most of them were at low points and it has given me the inspiration and confidence in myself to change my situation as it allowed me to change my perspective on the negative and thus I focused on the positive, even if it was very small.

Seeing yourself in the mirror clearly and vulnerable in who you are is a magical and beautiful thing but can also be the most terrifying thing for someone so locked and lost within themselves. But like eating healthy food for the first time in years it is only detoxifying the smudges on your reflection to reveal who you truly are. 

Of course, there is a simpler definition of self-reflection which is just reviewing what one has already done, but I don’t like saying that this is self-reflecting as it instantly suggests an element of judgement is required and one cannot grow if they are critically judged.

Of course, a little bit of constructed criticism is okay but many people especially towards ourselves are too harsh and may deconstruct old walls and build new walls that will block and make it harder for becoming open and vulnerable.

As vulnerability is flexible and is in a state that is easier to change and is the key to your soul. If not vulnerable you will get occasional insights but will not be able to use this ability to a deeper level, like being lost in the maze of your mind.

The question is how are you going to find your way out?

Hope you are well!
Have an awesome day!

Harry 🙂



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