Written by Harry Croose

"Hating on someone, or something is only giving power to that thing. It becomes a bigger problem in your mind. It's okay to dislike something, but never hate it - you only lose your power and time."

Hello reader,

I hope you are well as always! Today, I would like to ramble on a bit about the importance of ‘heroes’, but I don’t mean the kind like Batman or Superman.
I’m talking about the hero that is hiding within us, in the corner of our eye or behind your shadow. The hero that lives within us all, that we choose to ignore.

Why do we choose to ignore it? You may ask.

Well the answer is because of fear and social constructs, I have lived a short life so far me being relatively young in age and yet I feel much older in experience and wisdom.
I do not want to live a life where I haven’t tried to live the life that I want. To be hero is to go against the current of society while being true to yourself. We ignore this path because we are scared of being social outcasts, scared of being alone.

But I’ve found that if you repress what you truly feel is right it will only destroy you.
Then you become part of ‘the herd’ – the majority of people who are not happy where the work, not happy in their relationships, not happy financially; not happy in life.
I speak in absolutes here not to say everyone is unhappy as there are many shades of grey. I say this to show you that the majority of people are not happy because they didn’t take the action to carve their own path in this world. They settled with being told what to do, being told what was right without listening to their internal compass.

You must become a hero to yourself, before anyone else. Once you are ready to give you will be able to provide and inspire tens, thousands to millions of people if you let it so.

A hard pill to swallow is that you and you alone are responsible for everything that happens in your life. It is easy to take responsibility for the good things that happen to you like a good grade on a test, or a job promotion. But it is much more difficult to take responsibility for the bad things you have done in your life.

Do yourself a favour and forgive yourself or those that you think has wronged you and move on towards your future.

You need to have the vision and believe in yourself to walk the path of a hero. Some days it will be ‘a walk in the park’ other days you will want to give up and cry.
But wipe away the tears and remember why you went on the path in the first place, what drives you through. What have you come here to be? Who are you?

Maybe you don’t know yet, but if you take action one day you will. Once you find your path it will not be something you see, it will be something you feel. An instinct saying resonates with you as time begins to slow around you. You take a deep breath and just be…

A hero is not someone with special power or abilities that make them special. What makes a true hero in my eyes at least is someone who can accept themselves for who they are flaws and all. Who can take something they have created and share it with the world impacting the world in a positive way.

We are all stories in the end, make it a good one. Don’t be there regretting trying to scavenge for the sands of time that’s already passed. Don’t live empty, die full.

Live full, die empty.

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