

Written by Harry Croose

"If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi."


In a reflective mood today I was. As I gazed out of the window watching the snow slowly I felt an intuitive call to write this. My line of thought was that all things will eventually melt no matter how beautiful or unpleasant everything fades away. A truth that is true of all things. 

Carl Jung has dedicated a lot of research to the shadow-self and how all of us have a shadow created by repression of feelings and how we respond to experiences.

In order for us to do good, we must embrace both sides of ourselves. A very important differentiation that is overlooked  we always associate light with good and darkness with evil. 

When in actual fact rays of light could reveal us to the danger around us and darkness may be the one that hides and protect us, this is why we need both to survive and adapt. That’s why we have both day and night cause we would just have day, and without night we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the other.

I have found that in my personal experience once I appreciated the fact that I had a side of me that has a dark side. Then I was able to strengthen the light side as well, as the stronger my shadow side, the stronger my light side became as there must be balance. 

Once I discovered and embraced my dark side, I was able to love all things more deeply and I felt a whole again rather than rejecting and repressing a part of myself that I was conditioned to believe was bad by society and some media.

I am not blaming society for these constructs as without them I wouldn’t have grown into the person I am, and I wouldn’t have been able to have grown such a self-awareness of myself.

 I believe that it is not what happens to a person that makes them who we are, but it is how we respond to them that makes us the person we are. 

Self-acceptance and loving and giving your dark side (and your light side) a hug in extreme times (where your too positive or too negative in your eyes) is incredibly important. 

Just give yourself some breathing room to just sit with your emotions as they arise and feel your emotions with an intention of self-love. Sometimes Jung says this shadow-work can be emotionally relaxing and other times really challenging. 

This is because many of the emotions that you have repressed in your past is gradually becoming to resurface to the conscious mind from the subconscious. 

Remember though that the past has happened and cannot be physically changed, but with the emotional tension release of the past the feelings of regret long ago should subside over time. With this release thus brings more room for your bright futures and the present moment. 🙂



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