SELF – HELP     


Written by Harry Croose

"Happiness to me is being eternally grateful for the times you have, nomatter if they are good or bad; while perceiving the world through the lens of mortality and love." 

2. Establish Strong Independent Boundaries

What I mean by this is no matter who you are or what you want to be there is a path in life where we all cross. The barriers of our happiness levels, these are things which can change us and our direction forever because we realise in a flicker of clarity that we have been going in the wrong direction for many years or in fact we have been on the right path all along and all we need to do is face forward and be brave for what lies ahead of us.

I am just writing my thoughts down at the moment and have decided form this blog-post on wards to write my blog as more of a reflective self-journal for myself, with hopefully some benefit to you. Because, I love writing and expressing my thoughts and feelings and that is what I find truly satisfying.

Happiness in my opinion is the most important part of our existence on this earth and many people have come under the illusion of how money and materialism is the ultimate goal to happiness.

Of course having resources is always a plus and can help significantly on your journey in this Capitalist world. However as I have mentioned before on my blog many I’ll deceived by the notion that pieces of paper with numbers on can provide you happiness when in reality it is only a tool for you to find yourself.

I in my life aim incredibly high in all aspects of my life including my financial future but I believe it is what you do with the tools and skills you are given that truly defines you than how much or how little you actually have.

I am sure we have had moments in our lives where we feel lost and confused looking up at the stars out our window asking despite me having what I want I actually feel less whole.

True happiness is being one with yourself during good and bad times rather than being distance and emotionally reserved in good or bad periods in your life. Love and happiness I believe are two sides of the same coin as when you give unconditional love, a core feeling of happiness occurs throughout your mind, body and soul, as you are aligned with a sense of purpose not greater than yourself necessarily as on e must be careful not to fall into self-neglect but equal and in align with your own core values and beliefs.

It is better to live in truth and be happy than to live a lie to live up to other peoples expectations and not your own.
If you don’t want to do something you have the power and control to decide no matter how improbable it may seem. Of course decisions like this may take time but all it takes is a five second commitment saying I’m going to change now. I have many regrets already in my life I have loved and I have lost a great many of things and many greater stories never told, because of a prior lack of knowledge into who I was; as I was engulfed by society and group boundaries when with all man-made labels aside we are all one with each other whether that be with God or the Universe.

Happiness is in the small things when someone gives you the time to say Hello, which can lead to the greatest moments of your life by making a great friend or by meeting the ones you love. Sometimes happiness is like a roller-coaster with loads of drops sometimes you get a little bit soaking wet and there are many loop the loops. But in the end our lives are one hell of a ride, but at the same time over in a moment.

Be happy. 🙂
Speak to you soon!

Harry, 🙂




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