How to deal with Toxic Relationships

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Written by Harry Croose

"Hating on someone, or something is only giving power to that thing. It becomes a bigger problem in your mind. It's okay to dislike something, but never hate it - you only lose your power and time."

There was a time where I was a hater of people who seemed to have it better than me, but when I started to stop comparing myself to others. I felt so much more free and had a tenfold more time and energy to make the impact I want to make on the world. I am not giving up not now, I will never give up. I am not stopping just because my crush no longer likes me, I am not stopping because I haven’t got 50 likes on YouTube or 1000 subscribers I am going to keep pushing ahead; we must together keep pushing forward that is the only way we will truly reach the land we were promised off when we were read a bedtime story with a nice cup of hot chocolate.

1. Distance yourself from Toxic People.

Distance yourself from that person or group of people as much as possible. If they are a family member, a close friend or a co-worker, then this is most likely a lot tougher to do rather than someone like an acquaintance or even a stranger. It’s important to realise the effect that they have on you, and how they drain or even change your personality to something you are not.

Many people call them energy vampires or even master manipulators who are able to change your personality instantly just by their presence. I’d strongly advise in order to truly break this image, is to talk to them consciously with this idea in mind that they are changing in you in some way; you might be able to either dispel this effect entirely or at least build resistance to their blows grounding yourself in the now.  Taking a hold on your personal power and strength is also a recommended path to take as these encounters can be quite strenuous, to say the least.


2. The Power of Perception

Universal Truths like ‘Life is too short’ and ‘the power of gratitude’ and how these problems are probably so insignificant to the Universe might help with these feelings of fear or toxicity when confronting them.

Now I know I write as if these people are infected like we are in the zombie apocalypse but the majority of this toxicity will probably be your own perception of them and not necessarily them. 
But sometimes maybe you will come across someone who is vindictive in their ways and wants to do give themselves the upper hand without any look to the consequences to their actions.

3. Attempt Reconcile

Many people would pull the card and would say to retreat and not get involved with them as much as possible.
 However I would say that you should depending on the person resolve the issue, either by just chatting to them especially if this said person is a beloved family member that you of course care for, the only way I find that you can truly resolve an issue is through no what you do necessarily but what drives the very actions we take every day.

4. Unconditional Love

Act through authentic unconditional love to the people that you care for and even to those that you hate, because what resists persists. 

I would know cause I already have many regrets, and the core rooted reason was that I didn’t follow my heart. You also must be careful not to be too hasty or brutal to the other person even they seem to deserve it because you never know when the tables might turn and they might be your only call for help one day; besides people change and yes even you. Of course, there are a few exceptions but change is the law of the Universe and no matter how someone tries to stay the same you can’t run forever. 

5. Develop your Spiritual Awareness

As I write this I can think of many ‘toxic relationships’ that dissolved merely just being present with myself, and even through meditation, just because my energies were on a different frequency to either those on a lower vibration or my lower frequency thoughts subsided. This is not to say that anyone is lower than anyone else but there mindset is there is the only difference. Looking at this from more of a spiritual angle rather than a rational one to me personally allows the problem to be solved easier. 

But let me make this clear it does not mean lower your boundaries and let them walk over you, I am only suggesting quieting the complaining voice we all have and try to resolve this issue through compassion and kindness. Then if that doesn’t work then try distancing yourself from that person rather than argue and break the relationship tie completely because you never know when they might change and because you left you door open just a crack, you may if you please rekindle that relationship whether it be a family member, a friend or an ex-lover. 

Let go of all things bad and embrace all the good things about them and appreciate that we are all different and none of us are perfect. None of us can be truly right or wrong, toxic or non-toxic, we can only try to be our best, and your best if tapped into the potential is only infinity itself. 

You deserve love, compassion and a sense of belonging and you should accept nothing less. You are a hero in the making you only just have to believe and you are already halfway there!!!

Anything is possible! 🙂



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Written by Harry Croose

"A strong positive Self-Image is the best possible preparation for success in life ."

I find it is the simplest truths that we overlook and this one is easily done. Especially in are fast paced world where we feel swept up of our feet all the time whether doing that homework project that is due in the next day or are working coming in tired.
Yet how many of us takes the time to look into the mirror and realise our true potential. This question can be answered in many ways but the majority I bet don’t do this. Although I am not perfect I still have many days and moments along my journey where I forget to look after myself to the length I should.

Prioritising something like a project or work over my own well-being.  Well I have the argument to say that you can and in may cases have to make sacrifices to move forward, I do not believe in self-sacrificing your time and effort if your endeavours aren’t going to give you a long-term effort or reward.  

How you see yourself is the most important thing of all when it comes to self-image and not letting other opinions cloud your identity.
 For example, your job does not necessarily correlate to your identity, but merely your past decisions for accepting this job in the first place.
The challenge may be reclaiming your true self-image or trying too hard to preserve an old one; like a caterpillar at a certain stage in its life it renews itself by cocooning to be reborn again, and in many aspects of our life we must do the same to grow and develop. A Universal truth is that we are all unique and beautiful in our own way the challenge is in this life is to see it. 🙂

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‘Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall’ (Self-Reflection)

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Written by Harry Croose

"Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous."

The Beauty of the Mirror

On our journies, we have faced much in the path of the promises given to us and the desires and goals we wish to reach. But has any of you considered to stop for a moment and reflect on things?

I admit I struggle sometimes with this, and I forget to at times, but it is of a great benefit that we do this and give times to ourselves to just think and do nothing else. Staring into your mirror of in your reflection upon the local river you walk by every day.

But for those of you who don’t quite know the importance of self-reflection or in particular those who haven’t heard that phrase since the end of term History Exam that you forgot to revise for and frantically tried to revise before in registration.

No, just me okay, well Self-Reflection to me is the ability to look back on things you have done in the past and looking at thing form a perspective of learning, understanding and openness, so you are able to gain some insight into how you can improve the let go or even let go of the past if the memory is haunting you. This skill can be one of healing as well as one of knowledge to change one’s future. If one uses this skill to its full capacity it will feel like magic.

I have self-reflected at many times in my life, most of them were at low points and it has given me the inspiration and confidence in myself to change my situation as it allowed me to change my perspective on the negative and thus I focused on the positive, even if it was very small.

Seeing yourself in the mirror clearly and vulnerable in who you are is a magical and beautiful thing but can also be the most terrifying thing for someone so locked and lost within themselves. But like eating healthy food for the first time in years it is only detoxifying the smudges on your reflection to reveal who you truly are. 

Of course, there is a simpler definition of self-reflection which is just reviewing what one has already done, but I don’t like saying that this is self-reflecting as it instantly suggests an element of judgement is required and one cannot grow if they are critically judged.

Of course, a little bit of constructed criticism is okay but many people especially towards ourselves are too harsh and may deconstruct old walls and build new walls that will block and make it harder for becoming open and vulnerable.

As vulnerability is flexible and is in a state that is easier to change and is the key to your soul. If not vulnerable you will get occasional insights but will not be able to use this ability to a deeper level, like being lost in the maze of your mind.

The question is how are you going to find your way out?

Hope you are well!
Have an awesome day!

Harry 🙂



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The Long Road

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Written by Harry Croose

"All you need is the plan, the road to map and the courage to press on your destination."


Sometimes life can be tough, but I find it a lot easier to monomaniacally focus on the tasks ahead of me rather than continuously look behind at things that have already passed. It is time to follow our own path and create our own trail the one that we always have wanted to make. These reader is one of those moments that not even the darkest days, the blackest hours can touch the light of the opportunity of the present moment. You are a light in this world, you may not believe that yet, but we are here to  help the world and do you know how my friends…

By being awesome! In our own way being authentic to he ware and kicking ass. Just because you think you are too young for no-one to listen to you or that you are too old and are not with the crowd is not an excuse that is valid to let the awesomeness in you be wasted. We have got to get out there get on that road and drive up it with the music blaring rather than going to every service station and playing it safe. 

NOTE: I am not saying actually doing this while driving this is one of those really big metaphor things, where the road is ‘the road of our lives.’ Seriously do that on the road these days you’ll get really messed up.

 I don’t even know how to drive yet, but I can still drive up people up the wall with my character! I am reckless and I want to explore the world and always have. When I am in my twenties it is my ambition to travel the world!!! It is going to be amazing!!! I can taste the fresh air of the journey already, but I know I have a responsibility to share my perspective of the world and work my socks off.

I want to ask you some questions, What is your plan? What are you ambitions in life? You don’t need to tell me but if you would like someone to talk too about your goals drop me a message on Facebook. I will of course try and help you or be there as a listener for an another ambitious person wanting to make a difference to the world in a positive way! Cause we so can, and I know it will be tough and there will be pit-stops on the way, but you know what we are going to be one day at the top of the mountain looking down on all the things we have conquered and there will be the feeling of nostalgia and a really strong sense of achievement.

We have to have the mindset of that we are going to win that is incredibly vital to our successes ladies and gentlemen of course success is subjective to different people but the only one that truly matters is your opinion of your achievements. Otherwise what is the point you got to get what you want so take the stabilisers of your bike and go and get what you want you deserve it you spend so much time working hard but for what? 

Hope you have a nice rest of your day!
 Legends in the making!

 Harry, 🙂


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    SELF – HELP     


Written by Harry Croose

"Happiness to me is being eternally grateful for the times you have, nomatter if they are good or bad; while perceiving the world through the lens of mortality and love." 

2. Establish Strong Independent Boundaries

What I mean by this is no matter who you are or what you want to be there is a path in life where we all cross. The barriers of our happiness levels, these are things which can change us and our direction forever because we realise in a flicker of clarity that we have been going in the wrong direction for many years or in fact we have been on the right path all along and all we need to do is face forward and be brave for what lies ahead of us.

I am just writing my thoughts down at the moment and have decided form this blog-post on wards to write my blog as more of a reflective self-journal for myself, with hopefully some benefit to you. Because, I love writing and expressing my thoughts and feelings and that is what I find truly satisfying.

Happiness in my opinion is the most important part of our existence on this earth and many people have come under the illusion of how money and materialism is the ultimate goal to happiness.

Of course having resources is always a plus and can help significantly on your journey in this Capitalist world. However as I have mentioned before on my blog many I’ll deceived by the notion that pieces of paper with numbers on can provide you happiness when in reality it is only a tool for you to find yourself.

I in my life aim incredibly high in all aspects of my life including my financial future but I believe it is what you do with the tools and skills you are given that truly defines you than how much or how little you actually have.

I am sure we have had moments in our lives where we feel lost and confused looking up at the stars out our window asking despite me having what I want I actually feel less whole.

True happiness is being one with yourself during good and bad times rather than being distance and emotionally reserved in good or bad periods in your life. Love and happiness I believe are two sides of the same coin as when you give unconditional love, a core feeling of happiness occurs throughout your mind, body and soul, as you are aligned with a sense of purpose not greater than yourself necessarily as on e must be careful not to fall into self-neglect but equal and in align with your own core values and beliefs.

It is better to live in truth and be happy than to live a lie to live up to other peoples expectations and not your own.
If you don’t want to do something you have the power and control to decide no matter how improbable it may seem. Of course decisions like this may take time but all it takes is a five second commitment saying I’m going to change now. I have many regrets already in my life I have loved and I have lost a great many of things and many greater stories never told, because of a prior lack of knowledge into who I was; as I was engulfed by society and group boundaries when with all man-made labels aside we are all one with each other whether that be with God or the Universe.

Happiness is in the small things when someone gives you the time to say Hello, which can lead to the greatest moments of your life by making a great friend or by meeting the ones you love. Sometimes happiness is like a roller-coaster with loads of drops sometimes you get a little bit soaking wet and there are many loop the loops. But in the end our lives are one hell of a ride, but at the same time over in a moment.

Be happy. 🙂
Speak to you soon!

Harry, 🙂




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Embracing your dark side

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Written by Harry Croose

"If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi."


In a reflective mood today I was. As I gazed out of the window watching the snow slowly I felt an intuitive call to write this. My line of thought was that all things will eventually melt no matter how beautiful or unpleasant everything fades away. A truth that is true of all things. 

Carl Jung has dedicated a lot of research to the shadow-self and how all of us have a shadow created by repression of feelings and how we respond to experiences.

In order for us to do good, we must embrace both sides of ourselves. A very important differentiation that is overlooked  we always associate light with good and darkness with evil. 

When in actual fact rays of light could reveal us to the danger around us and darkness may be the one that hides and protect us, this is why we need both to survive and adapt. That’s why we have both day and night cause we would just have day, and without night we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the other.

I have found that in my personal experience once I appreciated the fact that I had a side of me that has a dark side. Then I was able to strengthen the light side as well, as the stronger my shadow side, the stronger my light side became as there must be balance. 

Once I discovered and embraced my dark side, I was able to love all things more deeply and I felt a whole again rather than rejecting and repressing a part of myself that I was conditioned to believe was bad by society and some media.

I am not blaming society for these constructs as without them I wouldn’t have grown into the person I am, and I wouldn’t have been able to have grown such a self-awareness of myself.

 I believe that it is not what happens to a person that makes them who we are, but it is how we respond to them that makes us the person we are. 

Self-acceptance and loving and giving your dark side (and your light side) a hug in extreme times (where your too positive or too negative in your eyes) is incredibly important. 

Just give yourself some breathing room to just sit with your emotions as they arise and feel your emotions with an intention of self-love. Sometimes Jung says this shadow-work can be emotionally relaxing and other times really challenging. 

This is because many of the emotions that you have repressed in your past is gradually becoming to resurface to the conscious mind from the subconscious. 

Remember though that the past has happened and cannot be physically changed, but with the emotional tension release of the past the feelings of regret long ago should subside over time. With this release thus brings more room for your bright futures and the present moment. 🙂



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